
This is the front page of a deeper website, most of which is not accessible to the public. You can use some of the web apps at the Software Hub as a few of them do not require login and store data locally. Email me to request access to other portions of the site.


You can contact me for any reason by Email or on Discord (DM to Ն૦Րɿ00#7841). Should your issue lie with one of the projects posted publicly, please open a GitHub issue in the correct repository instead.


I have a small collection of notebooks on a few topics belonging to mathematics and (computational) physics. I am slowly uploading them as I get around to it. These can be viewed online or downloaded, both from my own webserver (aka. here) as well as GitHub.

It should be said while GitHub provides a very easy way to download the entire collection to a local machine and keep it updated using git, if one wishes to see the notebooks rendered on the web, the CDN links are most convenient. They also provide an easy download button in case one wishes to download single notebooks rather than the entire collection.

Lastly, the notebooks' contents are licensed under MIT, while the HTML files have been generated based on said contents by Pluto.jl.


  1. Arithmetic Derivatives (CDN / GitHub)


Uploading soon